Tipton Solid Brass Jag .30/.32 Tipton Solid Brass Jag .30/.32 Tipton Solid Brass Jag .30/.32

Tipton Solid Brass Jag .30/.32

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Messingjag for bruk sammen med pusselapper. Pusselappen "spiddes" på jaggen og skyves gjennom løpet. Jaggen sørger for å fylle ut hele løpets diameter og gjør at pusselappen kommer til over alt. Når du trekker pussestangen tilbake igjennom løpet vil den brukte pusselappen falle av og ikke dra skitt tilbake inn i løpet.

"Our solid brass cleaning jags are the fastest way to thoroughly clean, dry, or oil the bore of your firearm. Each jag is designed to provide a tight fit between the patch and the bore. A pointed tip keeps the patch centered and allows it to drop off when the jag exits the muzzle. Made with 8-32 threads (17 & 20 caliber have 5-40 threads), they will fit most brands of cleaning rods, and should provide years of service. "

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